When all else fails, try listening

When all else fails, try listening

What’s Your Secret? What advice would you give for a freshman in communications, I once asked my legendary Swedish boss Peje Emilsson who had started the comms industry in his home country in the early 1970`s. He had a very short answer to me: “Listen.” That’s what...
Rethink the 10,000-Hour Rule of Success

Rethink the 10,000-Hour Rule of Success

How many times have I quoted my former demigod Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outlier? His claim was: in order to become master at something, one needed to practice it at least that given amount of hours. “Ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness”, Gladwell...
Give HR the Power and Primacy

Give HR the Power and Primacy

Two decades ago, there was one industrial guru above other, when it came to business influencers. At least in the America centered World. That man was Jack Welch, the CEO of General Electric (GE) from 1981 to 2001. Many of his former subordinates became executives or...